Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm not one to go out of my way to cook, but I love doing Thanksgiving dinner. I find the planning increasingly frustrating though. I had planned to make a banana cream pie then forgot to buy bananas. Oops! So I hunted around for another idea. Since I had frozen rhubarb and came across a pie recipe for rhubarb custard, I decided to try it. My hubby loves rhubarb and the pie turned out tart, but good. Not a new tradition but a good alternative. I also made green bean casserole. I have never made it before. My hubby likes it also, but I was not overly impressed with the recipe I used. Once again not good enough to be a new addition to our regular Thanksgiving day menu. If anyone has a fabulous recipe for it, I might be willing to try it again. I kind of go in for plain vegetables. It seems to be a waste of time and a bit self defeating to add a bunch of stuff that really isn't that good for you anyway. I guess I like to be able to taste the vegetable itself.

It snowed all day and felt more like Christmas at times. the kids played out in the snow building a snow-fort and came in soaked. I love it when they come all rosy cheeked and blustering with the smell of fresh air clinging to them. I don't really like the mountain of wet snow clothes that builds up from each change. It is a small price to pay for their extreme enjoyment of their activities.

I went in the library two weeks ago and they have everyone write what they are thankful for on a feather to dress the turkey on their bulletin board. It was a quick think to write something down, but I am thankful for so much it would not have fit on the feather. I am thankful for my family (which includes a lot of people, people I never see and some I have never even met), the gospel of Jesus Christ, Cub Scouts (really), good people to be around (I work with really good people), warmth of home, mosaics!!!, modern conveniences, changing seasons, details in the leaves and rocks, buttons, and photos. There are so many more.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Patty Cake

I had a sister who we often called 'Rainy Face'. I'm not sure who started that name for her, but it was because she cried, easily and often. She HATED that name. One time when I called her 'Rainy Face', in the heat of siblinghood, she retaliated with 'Bucky Bucktooth'. I was a bucktoothed child, but it really hurt me, to have her call me that (it was the name the mean boys at school called me) and I started to cry. She (the sweet, sensitive soul that she was) felt really bad and started to hunt around for a nickname that would not hurt my feelings. She found the name 'Patty Cake', hoping I would hate it, yet not be psychologically damaged by it's use. I liked it (she was devastated, but got over it)! She called me 'Patty Cake' from time to time from then on. My husband uses it to get my attention, you know, when he has tried Honey, Mom, Sweetheart, my real name and I don't respond, he will resort to 'Patty Cake' and I always look up, it is an endearment that never fails to get my attention. I really do like that name and I really do love my sister Rainy Face.

Friday, November 21, 2008

New and don't know what I'm doing!

I believe this is a contagious desease. But I enjoy some of the blogs so much that it makes me want to communicate. This seems to be the best or most popular, maybe easiest (once you get the hang of it) method. Now that I have gone through the initial set up, I'm not sure where to go from here. Although I think I will have some help setting up.