Sunday, November 23, 2008

Patty Cake

I had a sister who we often called 'Rainy Face'. I'm not sure who started that name for her, but it was because she cried, easily and often. She HATED that name. One time when I called her 'Rainy Face', in the heat of siblinghood, she retaliated with 'Bucky Bucktooth'. I was a bucktoothed child, but it really hurt me, to have her call me that (it was the name the mean boys at school called me) and I started to cry. She (the sweet, sensitive soul that she was) felt really bad and started to hunt around for a nickname that would not hurt my feelings. She found the name 'Patty Cake', hoping I would hate it, yet not be psychologically damaged by it's use. I liked it (she was devastated, but got over it)! She called me 'Patty Cake' from time to time from then on. My husband uses it to get my attention, you know, when he has tried Honey, Mom, Sweetheart, my real name and I don't respond, he will resort to 'Patty Cake' and I always look up, it is an endearment that never fails to get my attention. I really do like that name and I really do love my sister Rainy Face.


Liz Johnston said...

That boy angel looks like my brother.. oh and love your story. never heard it before.

Micha said...

Rainy face stuck with her. One summer at girl scout camp we were making stamped leather nickname tags for our whistle cords (the leaders too) and mom chose to use "raindrop" as her name because of the similarity. I think she only told me about the nickname bacause of that project.

Mel said...

Great story I am getting a rainy face just reading it. Very cute!