Sunday, August 2, 2009

Long time...

I have been very busy. My son that was in Australia for two years came home, got a job, quit, and left for summer school in Provo as a visiting student. He will get home in two weeks.

I started my sisters mosiac, had a workshop with 5 participants, finished my sisters mosaic, and grouted several 'mosaics in waiting'. (I can't figure out how these words got highlighted with yellow and have no idea how to undo it.) Here is my snowman plaque (although not a very good picture.)

I took the bright blue 4 drawer dresser that the TV sits on in the livingroom, out and painted it, and painted it, and painted it. Then it rained, and wrinkled the paint on the drawers, and I had to sand the fronts of the drawers and paint them, and paint them. Now I have a pale grey dresser that the TV sits on, much better.

I looked through some of my storage and had a Yard Sale, where my youngest son proudly made about $17 on HIS toys (I had a very difficult time getting him to let go of anything) and we had plenty to donate to a nearby Thrift Store. In the process I discovered that I have at least 4 boxes of used jeans to make quilts out of.

We've had two birthdays. 13 son turned 14 and 15 son turned 16, a very important 16. With one more this week, 9 son turning 10.

We had family come that we seldom see. They stayed long enough to watch one of our towns Celebration parades.
We've had our towns mega celebration. Helped minimally on three different floats. Worked 3 hours in the Hamburger Stand. Watched parades on 3 consecutive days (luckily 2 of these we can watch from in front of our house). Had my In-Laws camp in our backyard for a nice two week visit. We have the most beautiful floats I have ever seen. Below are two of them but the pictures do not do the floats justice. The bottom one is of cows with the words "Cow'nt Your Blessings" and if you look very closely you can see my 9son sitting at the back.


Laurie said...

How on earth did you undo the enlarge picture thingy? I can't enlarge the picture to see 9 son!

Laurie said...

Good job! Listing everything you've done in a single post. And where is the picture of MY mosaic? I need to read a few of my old blog posts before I write another...with vacation interfering with my brain I can't remember what I've posted about and what I haven't. Angela started laundry last night AND cleaned out the boys scout cupboard...3 shelves of chaos.