Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cub Scouts-Flag Ceremonies

We had a Cub Scout Committee meeting tonight. Unremarkable really since I have been doing Cub Scouts since 1995 with only 2 years off. I am not exceptionally good, just willing. I do really enjoy the boys. I have always been concerned about the quality in the program and find if I'm participating I can at least make sure my part is well prepared and on target. (I can't say I have never fallen short, but over all, I am always there, and most always very prepared.) Sometimes things go well other times, a bit chaotic. But we always accomplish something leading toward badges. It is nice to work with other leaders who are willing to volunteer for refreshments and leading the activities. Anyway we discussed among other things the fact that our boys do not want to wear their shirts and neckerchiefs or to tuck them in to look their best and do not seem to show respect for the flag during the ceremony that they are performing. We do try incentives, yet are falling short of a nice well done presentation of the flag. I need ideas, successes, and although I have used many different methods through the years right now they are failing me, so I need new ones.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

My boys always wanted to do the flag ceremony, but unless they were in uniform they couldn't, included shirts tucked in. I'll just call.